Specificity matters. Especially when training complex rotational actions. Metrics such as frequency, loading, and movement velocities must be as close to the demands of competition as possible. That usually doesn't happen in the weight room with conventional methods. It happens with the fine-tuning of movement patterns in real time, using real tools, in real motor programming situations. The sooner athletes and coaches realize that squats and deadlifts aren't the only movement patterns that need honing, and proper movement coaching transcends the skill at hand, the better sport-specific rotational actions will become.
One of the most powerful ways to add sport-specific rotational training into more traditional strength and conditioning is by running block-based skill practice before or after the bulk strength work of the day. By coupling these skills that are neurologically demanding, you can enhance your lifts of the day by doing them before the training session. Or if you do them afterward, you can get the benefits of a heightened CNS to challenge and solidify skill patterns. – Dr. John Rusin
Sport Specific Skill vs. Functional Exercise training force
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